A Breakthrough in Pain Management

1 in 5

people around the world suffer from chronic pain

$635 billion

Total direct and indirect costs that chronic pain causes on the US economy, more than heart disease, cancer, and diabetes

Commonly used pain medications have side-effects and many are addictive

Injections and implantable nerve stimulators, such as spinal cord stimulators, are effective but are associated with procedural complications

Our innovation

an advacement in pain management

Combining advances in engineering with the latest developments in pain clinical sciences, we have developed a wearable non-invasive neuromodulation capable of disrupting pain signals as they travel along the nervous system.

Our Team

expertise in engineering and pain clinical sciences

Our team is composed of award-winning engineers in hardware design as well as leading experts in clinical pain management and research. Combining the unique talents of our team, we aim to develop and design a user-friendly wireless wearable device that provides effective and safe pain relief for those that suffer from a wide range of pain disorders.


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FaraMed Tech Incorporated 2022